Forested infiltration areas (FIA); principles, experiences, perspectives

Submitted: 25 August 2014
Accepted: 3 March 2016
Published: 30 September 2014
Abstract Views: 922
PDF: 821
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  • G. Mezzalira Veneto Agricoltura, Legnaro (PD) - partner LIFE AQUOR, Palazzo dell'Agricoltura, Legnaro (PD), Italy.
  • U. Niceforo Consorzio di Bonifica Brenta, Cittadella (VI) - partner LIFE AQUOR, Italy.
  • G. Gusmaroli Studio Ecoingegno, Venezia - coordinamento tecnico-scientifico LIFE AQUOR, Italy.
This paper illustrates the origin and the main features of a Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) measure known as Forested Infiltration Area (FIA), conceived by Veneto Agricoltura in 2007 and currently implemented at 7 pilot sites over the Vicenza Upper Plain in the Veneto region, with the financial and technical support of several public and private partners. In particular the outputs of the first recharge season (2013-2014) of two demonstrative FIA are presented and discussed (plants realized in 2013 by Consorzio di Bonifica Brenta within the framework of the Life Project AQUOR). The main peculiarities of the FIA measures are the multifunctionality guaranteed by the integration of hydraulic and biologic aspects, the high environmental compatibility and the friendly design and management.

Mezzalira, G., Niceforo, U., & Gusmaroli, G. (2014). Forested infiltration areas (FIA); principles, experiences, perspectives. Acque Sotterranee - Italian Journal of Groundwater, 3(3).


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