[The groundwater compliance point in contaminated sites between avulsed application practices and difficulties of interpretation]

Published: 31 March 2022
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[The groundwater Point of Compliance (POC) in contaminated sites represents a strategic tool for directing environmental actions and resource protection criteria, as well as for achieving the ultimate goals of restoration. In this paper, an integrated legal and technical study is proposed, in order to highlight some critical issues relating to the interpretative practice of the national legislation in force, which has become customary in administrative procedures. The specific regulatory system is contextualized by making explicit use of those hydrogeological elements, which govern the development of fate and transport problems in the aquifers. To facilitate understanding of the case, it is considered the international regulatory framework, noting the availability of interesting perspectives, useful at clarifying many of the methodological and operational implications in the environmental remediation process, especially for the compliance point location].


[In Italian]



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How to Cite

Sottani, A., & Merlin, A. (2022). [The groundwater compliance point in contaminated sites between avulsed application practices and difficulties of interpretation]. Acque Sotterranee - Italian Journal of Groundwater, 11(1), 71–78. https://doi.org/10.7343/as-2022-548

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