CO2 sequestration in the subsoil and groundwater

Published: 29 June 2022
Abstract Views: 496
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Statistics for year 2020 show CO<sub>2</sub> emission levels in Italy of 5 tons/inhabitant/year. At a planetary level, 300 Mton/year have been produced in Italy. For comparison, 4500 Mton/year were produced by the USA, 650 Mton/year by Germany and 11500 Mton/year by China. Greenhouse gas increase is a matter of concern, bringing about temperature increase on a global scale, which will impact in turn the hydrological cycle, thus also involving groundwater [...].



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How to Cite

Beretta, G. (2022). CO<sub>2</sub> sequestration in the subsoil and groundwater. Acque Sotterranee - Italian Journal of Groundwater, 11(2), 5–6.