Hydrochemical and geoelectrical investigation to determine the origin and spatial distribution of the salinization of the unconfined Plio-Quaternary aquifer of Tabeditt, Southern Tunisia

Submitted: 7 November 2023
Accepted: 2 March 2024
Published: 28 March 2024
Abstract Views: 341
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The expansion of irrigated agriculture and the overexploitation of groundwater in the Tabeditt region lead to a serious deterioration of the chemical quality of water. The compilation of hydrogeological and geophysical studies is essential in order to assess the quality of the Plio-Quaternary waters and to determine the origin of the salinization of these waters. In this study, hydrochemical analyses were carried out on groundwater samples in the Tabeditt region. Hydrochemical data have shown that the salinity in this area could exceed 6 g/L. The interpretation of major ion analyses demonstrates that mineralization is controlled by natural processes. The mineralization process consists of the dissolu-tion of evaporite minerals, namely gypsum, anhydrite, and halite. The geoelectrical study is carried out to obtain information about the distribution and quality of water in the Plio-Quaternary. Interpreta-tion of the resistivity models show the presence of two main zones: the first, near Tabeditt Wadi, is characterized by low values, indicating the influence of salt water in the groundwater and the second, located on the right bank of Wadi Jmal, is characterized by variable resistivity values, generally high, indicating the lateral changes in lithological facies, and the presence of fresh water. In such an arid region suffering from scarcity and degradation (or depletion) of water resources, it is important to implement a master plan that keeps under control the number of wells both known and unknown ones taping these aquifers.



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How to Cite

Ltifi, D., Mhamdi, A., & Moumni, L. (2024). Hydrochemical and geoelectrical investigation to determine the origin and spatial distribution of the salinization of the unconfined Plio-Quaternary aquifer of Tabeditt, Southern Tunisia. Acque Sotterranee - Italian Journal of Groundwater, 13(1), 93–106. https://doi.org/10.7343/as-2024-732

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