Groundwater in the city of Pesaro (Marche, Italy): anthropic impact and interference with the urban environment

Submitted: 28 April 2024
Accepted: 7 August 2024
Published: 30 September 2024
Abstract Views: 35
PDF: 14
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Groundwater in the urban area of Pesaro is a significant local resource, supplementing the main surfacewater supply from the external Metauro watershed. Nevertheless, since Pesaro’s groundwater is tapped from a coastal alluvial aquifer in a heavily anthropized environment, its use involves mutual impacts with the urban environment, which poses several constraints. Our work schematized the main interferences of groundwater with building works such as housing (i.e. foundations and underground works), hydraulic infrastructures, wells’ network development, and geoexchange projects. Moreover, the presence of a seawater wedge, historically intruding the aquifer, must be taken into account, alongside its potential evolution in changing climate scenarios. Contaminated sites were also analyzed, as they represent a critical issue when further groundwater withdrawals are planned. Due to these complex interactions, there is a need for renewed commitment to studying and monitoring the local water resource. This is also essential for promoting awareness among both citizens and the local government that its use will remain crucial for a long time.

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