Groundwater in Katowice - center of a large urban and deep coal mining area in Poland

Submitted: 10 July 2024
Accepted: 27 September 2024
Published: 30 September 2024
Abstract Views: 33
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The paper presents the groundwater resources of Katowice and the results of studies conducted to identify prospective areas in aquifers with sufficient water resources for the location of public water intakes. The city of Katowice is the capital of Upper Silesia, the largest urban-industrial area in Poland, the region with a highly developed hard coal mining and many other different industries covering almost the entire scope of the economy. Due to long term drainage of mines causing the depletion and deterioration of groundwater and surface water resources, the main municipal water intakes have been located outside Katowice. Most of the pumped mine water is discharged into surface waters, causing significant salinity of water and disallow its use for municipal or industrial purposes in Katowice. The water collection and supply system is very extensive and covers a significant part of the Silesian agglomeration which is why Katowice is supplied with water from surface water intakes located outside the city. According to older published materials, such as the Hydrogeological map of Poland, there were no aquifers in the city that could have been used to supply the city with drinking water, however recent studies have shown that groundwater in the Quaternary aquifers in the western part of the city can be used to supply the city with public water. Less productive, Quaternary aquifers in north-eastern parts of the city may constitute the basis for drinking water supply in emergency situations, when surface intakes cannot be used, such as toxic, radiological or viral contamination or damage to the water supply network eg. as a result of an earthquake or warfare.

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