Geotermia e geoscambio: evoluzione, applicazioni, tecniche e definizion
Published: 30 December 2012778PDF: 277
Original Papers
From Fourier to Darcy, from Carslaw to Theis: the analogies between the subsurface behaviour of water and heat
Published: 30 December 20121277PDF: 1269 -
Geothermal characterization of the coastal aquifer near Ravenna (Italy)
Published: 30 December 2012907PDF: 900 -
Thermal conductivity distributed from a Thermal Response Test (TRT) in a borehole heat exchanger (BHE)
Published: 30 December 20122069PDF: 4444 -
Methodological approach for evaluating the geo-exchange potential: VIGOR Project
Published: 30 December 20121216PDF: 1001 -
Heat transport modeling for the design of a low enthalpy open-loop system
Published: 30 December 2012842PDF: 1433
News and Columns (not peer reviewed)
La potenzialità geotermica a bassa entalpia. Una grandezza difficile da quantificare?
Published: 30 December 2012724PDF: 502 -
Corto circuito termico nei sistemi di geoscambio a circuito aperto
Published: 30 December 2012775PDF: 528 -
Traccianti ambientali: il campo termico, questo sconosciuto
Published: 30 December 2012678PDF: 489 -
Quadro normativo per la Geotermia a Bassa Entalpia
Published: 30 December 2012667PDF: 1624 -
Il congresso internazionale di Niagara Falls
Published: 30 December 2012711PDF: 390 -
Perforazione di sonde e pozzi per impianti a pompe di calore
Published: 30 December 2012652PDF: 930 -
L'industria principesca. Piero Ginori Conti e l'impianto geotermico di Larderello
Published: 30 December 2012674PDF: 1202 -
Published: 30 December 2012715PDF: 471