Original Papers
Geochemical evolution of groundwater in carbonate aquifers of southern Latium region, central Italy
Published: 30 March 2013986PDF: 522 -
Numerical modeling of the groundwater flow in the fractured and karst aquifer of the Salento peninsula (Southern Italy)
Published: 30 March 20131058PDF: 761 -
Modelling groundwater recharge in an alluvial aquifer of Somaliland with the groundwater flow model YAGmod
Published: 30 March 20131105PDF: 796 -
Groundwater flow model management and case studies in Emilia-Romagna (Italy)
Published: 30 March 20131176PDF: 1179 -
Study on the water supply of the Montellina Spring by the Renanchio Stream (Quincinetto, Turin)
Published: 30 March 2013796PDF: 679
News and Columns (not peer reviewed)
Processi di ritossificazione ambientale nei suoli e all'interfaccia terra-mare
Published: 30 March 2013596PDF: 436 -
L'Early Career Hydrogeologists' Network (ECHN)
Published: 30 March 2013619PDF: 426 -
Il Signor Cestoni alla prova delle pignatte
Published: 30 March 2013606PDF: 535 -
Attività normativa: pubblicate le norme UNI per geotermia, in corso il progetto di norma per i pozzi
Published: 30 March 2013648PDF: 788