Original Papers
Evaluating the feasibility of hydraulic and physical barriers at contaminated sites by means of multicriteria analysis
Published: 30 June 2014755PDF: 1421 -
The hydrogeological well database TANGRAM©: a tool for data processing to support groundwater assessment
Published: 30 June 20141167PDF: 1016 -
An integrated approach to the Environmental Monitoring Plan of the Pertuso spring (Upper Valley of Aniene River)
Published: 30 June 2014804PDF: 375
News and Columns (not peer reviewed)
La determinazione dei valori di fondo naturale ed antropico nelle acque sotterranee dei grandi agglomerati urbani
Published: 30 June 20141217PDF: 1182 -
Verso una gestione più efficiente delle acque meteoriche nelle città del Mediterraneo
Published: 30 June 2014842PDF: 455 -
Alcune considerazioni sull'analisi dei dati ambientali
Published: 30 June 2014605PDF: 537 -
Flowpath 2014 - National Meeting on Hydrogeology, Viterbo, 18-19 giugno 2014
Published: 30 June 2014751PDF: 451 -
L'autarchia delle acque. Mario Bettini e il moto perpetuo
Published: 30 June 2014714PDF: 483